Operation Manual


Create New File

  1. Open File Creation Dialog
    Choose [File] -> [New] from menu.

  2. Select File Type
    Select file type in File Creation Dialog.
    Following file types are available

    • Note as Sequence (.nas)
    • ABC Notation (.abc)
    • Music Macro Language (.mml)

  3. Enter File Name and Click [Create] button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + N

Open Existing File

Choose [File] -> [Open...] from menu.

Shortcut Key
⌘ + O

Open In Editor

Choose [File] -> [Open In Editor] from menu.

This menu is only available when document window is opened. Additionally, behavior is different when editor window is selected. See below for the detail.

In Document Window

Open source file in editor window. If external editor is selected in Preferences - External Editor, external editor will be launched and open source file.

In Embedded Editor

File Open Dialog will be shown. After selection, open the selected file in editor window.

Shortcut Key
⌘ + E

Save Document

Choose [File] -> [Save...] or [Save As] from menu. These menus are only available in editor window.

Shortcut Key


Full Version Feature

  1. Choose [File] -> [Export...] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Export Button

  1. Select file type in exporting sheet. Following file types are available

    • Standard MIDI File (Format 1)
    • Waveform Audio File Format (WAV 44.1kHz Linear PCM 16bit stereo)
    • Advanced Audio Coding (AAC 44.1kHz 192kbps stereo)

  2. Enter File Name and Click [Export] button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + Shift + E

Playback Control


Play sequence in current document window.

Choose [Control] -> [Play/Pause] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Play Button

Pause Button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + P


Rewind playing location to beginning of sequence.

Choose [Control] -> [Rewind] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Rewind Button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + R


Forward playing location to beginning of next measure.

Choose [Control] -> [Forward] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Forward Button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + →


Backward playing location to beginning of previous measure.

Choose [Control] -> [Backward] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Backward Button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + ←

Forward to Marker

Forward playing location to next marker notated by Marker Event.

Choose [Control] -> [Forward to Marker] from menu or click toolbar button with shift key in document window.

Forward to Marker Button (With Shift Key Pressed)

Shortcut Key
Shift + ⌘ + →

Backward to Marker

Backward playing location to next marker notated by Marker Event.

Choose [Control] -> [Backward to Marker] from menu or click toolbar button with shift key in document window.

Backward to Marker Button (With Shift Key Pressed)

Shortcut Key
Shift + ⌘ + ←

Toggle Repeat

Change repeat state in a cycle. Repeat Off -> Repeat All -> Repeat Marker -> Repeat Off ...

Choose [Control] -> [Toggle Repeat] from menu or click toolbar button in document window.

Repeat Button

Shortcut Key
⌘ + Shift + R

Repeat State

Repeat Off

Stop playback when playing location reach to end of sequence.

Repeat All

Play again from beginning of sequence when playing location reach to end of sequence.

Repeat Marker

Play again from beginning of section when playing location reach to end of section. Section is divided by Marker Event. For example, if sequence events are

001:01:000 C2 Gatetime=1920
002:01:000 Marker A
002:01:000 D2 Gatetime=1920
003:01:000 Marker B
003:01:000 E2 Gatetime=1920
004:01:000 F2 Gatetime=1920

sections will be listed below.

   | 1               2               3               4               5
   | S               A               B               .               E
   | .               .               .               x---------------.
   | .               .               x---------------.               .
   | .               .               .               .               .
   | .               x---------------.               .               .
   | .               .               .               .               .
C2 | x---------------.               .               .               .

     |<-- section -->|<-- section -->|<---------- section ---------->|

S = beginning of sequence
E = end of sequence

Preview Control

Toggle Auto Scroll

Toggle enable/disable auto scroll sequence view to playing position.

Auto Scroll Button (Disable) Auto Scroll Button (Enable)

Shortcut Key
Control + S

Change Zoom Level

Zoom in, out or reset to default zoom level for sequence view.

Zoom In Button Zoom Out Button
Zoom Reset Button

Shortcut Key

You can also change zoom level with trackpad (or scroll wheel).

Main View

Conductor Panel


Display tempo value on current location.

Time Signature

Display tempo value on current location.

Mixer Panel


Display channel number.


Button to toggle mute on/off.


Button to toggle solo on/off.


Pull-down menu to select synthesizer.

If there is control event in sequence, player will change synthesizer and pull-down selection will be updated.


Button to show Preset Selection sheet.

If there is control event in sequence, player will send the event to synthesizer and preset selection will be updated.

Volume / Pan / Chorus / Reverb

Sliders for each synthesis value.

If there is control event in sequence, player will send the event to synthesizer and slider position will be updated.

Level Indicator

Display output level for each channel.

Preset Selection

Shown by preset button on Mixer Panel.

Text field for Synthesizer Name is selectable. You can copy it and paste to source file for SYNTH statement.

Preset List

List of available presets of synthesizer. By click list or ←→ key up/down, selected preset will be changed.

Keyboard Preview

In Preset Selection sheet, previewing sound of preset is available. Mapping of hardware keyboard is shown on the sheet. ←→ keys are for octave shift.


Conductor Track

Channel Track

You can select multiple track with ⌘ + click or Shift + click
Additionally, following shortcut key is available.


Display current location. location format is listed below from left side.

Detail View

Back Button

Button for back to main view.

Track Selection

Button to toggle display for events in track.

Selection State


No Display

Disable (There is no event in track)


Behavior is same as main-view.

Conductor Track

Display events below.

Piano Roll

Display Note events in selected channel tracks.



Display velocity of Note events in selected channel track.

Event List Switch

Button to toggle display event list.

Event List

Display events in selected tracks

Filter Switch


Button to toggle display note events.


Button to toggle display events except note event.

Error Window

If there is syntax or grammar error in source file, error window shows up. Error window can be manually hidden by [x] button. Also, it is automatically hidden after error is corrected and source file is saved.